While we were at Ryubo (department store in Naha), we walked past a Häagen-Dazs store and I was drawn towards the store's plastic display of ice creams in particular the cookie sandwich ice cream. I pointed it out to Reid and he suggested that we pop in for a little snack! :D hehehe.
The cookies & cream cookie sandwich that caught my eye

Well normally I'm not really into ice cream. I LOVE cakes, cookies and pastries but for some reason I never really ever crave ice cream. It's not that I don't like it, it's just that if I had a choice I'd definitely choose cakes, cookies and pastries over ice cream. BUT I won't ever complain if there's ice cream with my cake, cookie or pastry :p
Before Japan, I've never really had Häagen-Dazs...maybe during one of my holiday trips to Malaysia and Hong Kong I did try some but it was too long ago for me to really remember. Having tried a few different Häagen-Dazs ice creams here in Japan, I gotta admit that I heart Häagen-Dazs! It's so YUMMY!!! I've definitely converted to an ice cream lover now. Häagen-Dazs is that good that I've decided to write an entry entirely on just Häagen-Dazs! :p
Why don't we have Häagen-Dazs in Australia???! :( I know we definitely don't have any stores in Queensland..not too sure about the other states/cities but I'm pretty sure we don't have Häagen-Dazs stores in Australia (correct me if I'm wrong). As I wasn't much of an ice cream lover back in Australia, I'm not sure if we can get Häagen-Dazs back home...I think I've seen them in some stores..don't really remember where though LOL
Häagen-Dazs has got to be my favorite ice cream now!! It's not too sweet..texture is great..ah..just PERFECT!! I'm not sure if Häagen-Dazs customizes it's ice creams to suit each of it's market though because I've noticed that Japanese people don't really like overly sweet food unlike what we have in western societies. I love Häagen-Dazs ice cream because I feel that it's not too sweet but still rich but not like overly rich where it gets sickly if you know what I mean.
So at the Häagen-Dazs store, I of course got myself the cookie sandwich that caught my eye :D
Cookies & cream ice cream in between 2 pieces of crunchy cookies

Yummm....absolutely divine...LOL Reid took this funny pic and I thought it was perfect to show all of you how divine it was...looks like an ad huh? LOL :p

Uh huh this is how it feels - heavenly, warm and fuzzy and sparkly LOL (just mucking around on photoshop :p)

I definitely recommend getting this instead of the cookie sandwich. It has pieces of cheesecake and pieces of the crunchy cookie that's used in the sandwich so it's much easier to eat

And now introducing the Dolce series of Häagen-Dazs ice-creams. These are like the premium ice-creams YUM~~!!! It's like the actual cake or dessert but ice-cream style (I don't really know how to descibe it but just know that it's heavenly!! :p) The Dolce series is my ultimate favorite range of Häagen-Dazs ice-creams.
Reid just surprised me one day by bring home one of these little goodies for me and from then onwards, we've been hooked on these LOL I'm not sure if the Dolce range of ice creams is only available in Japan (let me know!)
Reid just surprised me one day by bring home one of these little goodies for me and from then onwards, we've been hooked on these LOL I'm not sure if the Dolce range of ice creams is only available in Japan (let me know!)
Dolce Blueberry Cheesecake
It has a biscuit base and the middle is filled with blueberry sauce
It has a biscuit base and the middle is filled with blueberry sauce

Dolce Tiramisu
It has cocoa powder on the top and layers of cake
It has cocoa powder on the top and layers of cake

Dolce Gateau au chocolat

Dolce Millefeuille
It has layers of puff pastry
It has layers of puff pastry

There are still two more ice creams from the Dolce range that I've yet to try. I'm still trying to hunt for them. Maybe they were just for promotional period and I missed out?? T_T I hope not!

Then there's also the crispy sandwich ice cream range from Häagen-Dazs. I LOVE these too! They are ice-cream coated in chocolate in between two crispy wafer like pieces forming a sandwich.
Panna Cotta & Raspberry


Custard Pudding

Green Tea & Kuromitsu (brown sugar syrup)

Then of course there's the ordinary ice-creams ^_^
Green Tea

English Milk Tea
I LOVE this one. Very interesting flavor. But if you love milk tea like I do this is definitely a great treat! It tastes exactly like English milk tea. YUM!
I LOVE this one. Very interesting flavor. But if you love milk tea like I do this is definitely a great treat! It tastes exactly like English milk tea. YUM!

I think I had a Mocha ice-cream one too but Reid ate it before I had the chance to take a pic of it. Well so far these are all the ones I've tried so far. I aim to try each and everyone of the available flavors hehehe. Will post more pics when I do.
Oh yeah and you can also watch the Japanese TV commercials for the ice-creams I've been talking bout here http://www.haagen-dazs.co.jp/brand/cm.html
Hi Debbie, I looooved your post, oh I definitely had to post you too! haha I'm Yessie, ffs... lalala.
Omg, I'm going to the market just to look for haagen dazs ahaha, the english milk tea caught my eye...
have a great day! :P
Put pictures of Japan, please... I want to go there since yeaaaars ago :( hahaha thank you!!
yummy ;)
Eeeekk @_@ I thought I replied to this already..but just checked it today and realized that I didn't...oops so sorry
Oooh yea Yessie I remember who you are ^_^ I'm so glad that you enjoyed my post and that it actually made you want to buy haagen daz too LOL
Yeah Im gonna be slowly updating my blog..gotta try be more consistent :p
Thanks for the comments though! Really appreciate it ^_^
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