I was really excited about going to the drags as it was my first time and it was also nice to be able to watch Reid's friends drag. Although I know nothing about cars!! Heck I can't even drive!! *shame shame* LOL so please forgive me if I make any mistakes in references to the cars and so on.
For some reason the the few days leading up the event was really cold including the day of the event itself..it was probably around 10 degrees. People said that it was the last cold of the season before it started to get warmer. I guess it's somewhat true as it's starting to warm up a lot nowadays. We had to leave by 7am in the morning and I had sooooo much trouble trying to get up because it was just such a cold morning!!
NOTE: Please click on the pics so that you can have a better view
The poster for the event

We arrived there around 8.30 am. Basically all the cars are lined up all along one side and the tracks are in the middle (view pics to have a better idea of what I'm talking about). The morning starts off with everyone getting their cars ready then followed by a meeting of all the drivers. By 10 am they were doing one or two practice runs. After that it was the qualifying rounds to determine who was going to race against each other in the tournament.
The Cars

The Track
And here is some eye-candy ^_~
Chevrolet Corvette Stingray
Toyota Aristo

Josh's Toyota Mark II. He won 2nd place for his division. Grats Josh!!

Skyline R32 GTR

Inamine's Skyline R32 GTR. This car is super fast!!

Ken's Skyline R31 GTR. He won 3rd place for his division. Grats Ken!!

Here's the starting line. Take a look at the cars in this pic...

Yeap, even Volkswagen Beetles drag too. It's really cute watching them go as well as other small Japanese cars.

Oh yeah and I also got to try some American pastries LOL - Hostess HoHos & Twinkies!! It was alright but a little too sweet for me.

Here's some of the highlights of the drags
Chevrolet Corvette Stingray

Toyota Aristo

Josh's Toyota Mark II. He won 2nd place for his division. Grats Josh!!

Skyline R32 GTR

Inamine's Skyline R32 GTR. This car is super fast!!

Ken's Skyline R31 GTR. He won 3rd place for his division. Grats Ken!!

Here's the starting line. Take a look at the cars in this pic...

Yeap, even Volkswagen Beetles drag too. It's really cute watching them go as well as other small Japanese cars.

Me - watching the drags and trying to stay warm. Brrrrr!! It was so cold in the morning. The weather was really crazy though...one minute when the sun is out it gets hot but when the sun is hidden the strong winds get chilly. Everyone was constantly battling between putting on their coats or taking it off. It was just one of those where you'd have your coat on and it would get hot then when you decide to take it off, the sun decides to hide behind the clouds and it gets cold! Grrrr!!

Oh yeah and I also got to try some American pastries LOL - Hostess HoHos & Twinkies!! It was alright but a little too sweet for me.

Here's some of the highlights of the drags
For the rest of the day, the tournament was going on as usual when all of a sudden a random Japanese guy pulls up in a bright yellow Ferrari!!! The Ferrari was creating so much buzz at the event and everyone was just flocking towards the car snapping pics.
The sexy Ferrari Modena 360. Ahhh....such a sexy car!!

Hey I couldn't resist! I HAD to take pics with the sexy car too!! :p LOL The pics of me here are really bad though due to the strong direct sunlight creating harsh shadows. Not at all flattering!!

Hey I couldn't resist! I HAD to take pics with the sexy car too!! :p LOL The pics of me here are really bad though due to the strong direct sunlight creating harsh shadows. Not at all flattering!!

Then everyone started to wonder if the Ferrari was going to race or not. I was excited! I wanted to see the Ferrari in action. One of the organizers knew that Reid's friend Kevin had a Cervini Mustang so he came over and asked Kevin if he was interested in racing against the Ferrari (Kevin wasn't even participating in the drags that day). We were all like "Go for it Kevin!! It's gonna be a great show!" so the race was on!!
So who won?
Mustang Cervini vs Ferrari Modena 360
Interesting race wasn't it? It was probably the quietest race of the day. I LOVE how the Ferrari just glides across so 'elegantly'. Most people were expecting the Ferrari to win LOL. I felt really sorry for the Ferrari guy though because after the race no one was paying attention to his car. Everyone was just flocked around Kevin's Mustang. LOL poor guy. Well for me that was the highlight of the day!! So much fun! And good on Kev for beating that guy!
awesome post! i was surprised the mustang won as well. and great vid clips babe
I don't know how the stang won, ah well.. Did you edit that clip yourself with the music and all?
alyshä: LOL yeah everyone was surprised. In the original footage before I edited it with the music, you can actually hear what some of the people in the crowd were saying when the Mustang won..."You gotta be kidding!!" LOL The poor Ferrari guy was like stunned after the race.
Jan: Yeah I did the clip myself
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