I was at the local supermarket San A the other day with my friend Akane. We were walking at the frozen food section when I spotted this...
At first I thought I saw it wrongly and maybe it was meant to say frozen grape but when I got closer to it and picked it up, sure enough it said frozen rape. To me, it was the first time that I've heard of or seen of this before. So my initial reaction was that I thought it was pretty weird and wrong naming something frozen rape @_@ but at the same time thought it was pretty funny too.
I showed it to Akane and she was shocked. She was like "Why.....??? Why do they call it that???" She said it was called 菜の花,
nanohana in Japanese and didn't know what it's called in English.

As you can see here in this pic, it just looks like frozen green veggies. Akane said that if they are left longer to grow, they bloom into yellow flowers. I did a bit of google and found out that it's actually rapeseed leaves. Rapeseed is also known as oilseed rape or canola. I know canola but didn't know that it was a variety of rapseseed until now (-_-)" The leaves and stems of the rapeseed are edible and is similar to bok choy. And I guess most of us know of it as 油菜 (yóu cài) in Chinese or
yau choy in Cantonese.

Anyways calling this frozen rape sounds really strange and wrong...they should've called it frozen rapeseed leaves or something like that...
Well here you have -
Frozen Rape brought to you by Uni Foods for your smile (^_~) If you didn't get that, look closely at the pic above :p
haha where can i get rape? haha
LOL..sooo wrong!! :p
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